Cecile Pelaudeix
Assistant Professor at Aarhus University, Research Associate PACTE-SciencesPO Grenoble
Cécile Pelaudeix is Assistant Professor at Aarhus University, and Research Associate at PACTE-Sciences Po Grenoble. http://www.pacte-grenoble.fr/blog/membres/pelaudeix-cecile/
Her researches focus on International relations in the Arctic — European Union Arctic Policy — Arctic states Policies — Arctic Governance – Indigenous governance— Offshore oil governance— China's foreign policy. She is involved in Arctic issues since 2000.
At Aarhus University, Cécile Pelaudeix is responsible for enhancing the Arctic profile of the department of Culture and Society, and in charge of the development of interdisciplinary research in the Arctic Research Center. http://arctic.au.dk
She co-chairs the Arctic Offshore Conference in Aarhus, 27-28 November 2014. http://arctic.au.dk/news-and-events/events/show/artikel/arctic-offshore-conference-2014-aarhus-interdisciplinary-arctic-initiative/
She is member of the Scientific Committee of the “Chantier Arctique”, CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research), Paris, Manager of the group of prospective “Governance and geopolitics”, and of the Steering Committee of the National Arctic Conference (March 2013, Paris), Collège de France. http://www.chantier-arctique.fr/en/index.php
Her recent publications include the book What Holds the Arctic Together?, “What is “Arctic governance”? A critical assessment of the diverse meanings of “Arctic governance”, The Yearbook of Polar Law (under press), and “The European Union Arctic Policy and National Interests of France and Germany: Internal and External Policy Coherence at Stake?” Northern Review, 37, 2014. http://journals.sfu.ca/nr/index.php/nr/article/view/285.
She organized the first international conference, in France in 2010, on the geopolitics of the Arctic.
She has done field work in several remote places of the Canadian Arctic and crossed the Cumberland peninsula. She climbed Mount Everest in 1990 (South Summit, 8760 m).